Arun Upadhyay

Knight Ridder Eminent Scholar, Eminent Scholar

Department of Finance

Office: RB 210

Phone: 305-348-5427



  • Ph.D. in Finance
    Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Areas Of Expertise

  • Corporate Governance
  • Gender Diversity
  • Risk Management

Courses Taught

  • Commercial Bank Management
  • Commercial Banking
  • Corporate Finance
  • Credit Analysis
  • Finance Dissertation Preparation
  • Finance Doctoral Independent Study
  • Financial Futures and Fixed Income Investments
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Foundations of Financial Models
  • Ph.D. Dissertation
  • Professional Development Seminar I
  • Securities Analysis

Referred Journal Articles

Upadhyay, A. D., & Gogineni, S.


Venture Capital and Private Equity Investors: Governance and Success of IPOs in India. 

Journal of Financial Research




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Upadhyay, A. D.


<span>Rising board gender diversity and incentives of female directors</span><span></span>. 

Journal of Corporate Finance




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Reyes Pena, R., Upadhyay, A. D., & Kumaraswamy, A.


Foreign Competitve Pressure and Inversions by U.S. Multinational Enterprises. 

Journal of International Business Studies




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Upadhyay, A. D., Hill, A., & Beekun, R.


Do Female CEOs Earn a Pay Premium? Rectifying Conflictive Findings by Correcting Misapplication of Absorption in Unbalanced Panel. 

Managerial Finance






Upadhyay, A. D., & Gogineni, S.


Target Governance Provisions and Acquisition Types. 

Journal of Business Research






Upadhyay, A. D., & Jain, P.


Are REITs More Resilient Than non-REITs? Evidence from Natural Experiments.

 Japan and the World Economy






Upadhyay, A. D., & Oztekin, O.


What matters more in board independence? Form or substance: Evidence from influential CEO-directors. 

Journal of Corporate Finance




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Upadhyay, A. D., Lawrence, E., & Nguyen, D.


Are US Founding Families Expropriators or Stewards? Evidence from Quasi-Natural Experiment. 

Journal of Corporate Finance




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Upadhyay, A., Balsam, S., & Puthenpurackal, J.


Corporate Opacity and Effectiveness of Independent Female Directors. 

Journal of Corporate Finance




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Upadhyay, A. D., & Triana, M.


Drivers of Diversity on Board: The Effects of Sarbanes-Oxley Act. 

Human Resource Management






Upadhyay, A. D., Mishra, S., & Talukdar, B.


CFO Appointment and Debt-Equity Choice. 

Managerial Finance





Upadhyay, A. (2018). The Economics of Corporate Lobbying. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49.

Upadhyay, A., Chuluun, T., & Prevost, A. (2017). Firm network structure and innovation. Journal of Corporate Finance, 44. View Article

Upadhyay, A., & Zeng, H. (2016). Cash holdings and the bargaining power of R&D-intensive targets. Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting. View Article

Upadhyay, A., Balsam, S., & Puthenpurackal, J. (2016). Determinants and Impact of Outside Chair on Firm Value. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51(4). 

Upadhyay, A., Bhargava, R., Faircloth, S., & Zeng, H. (2016). Inside Directors, Risk Aversion and Firm Performance. Review of Financial Economics, 32. View Article

Upadhyay, A. (2015). Board Structure, Firm Risk and Equity Discount. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 82(3).

Upadhyay, A., Choi, J. J., & Mao, C. (2015). Earnings Management and Derivative Use with Fair Valuation: Evidence from the Effects of FAS 133. The Accounting Review, 90(4).

Upadhyay, A., Hill, A., & Beekun, R. (2015). Are Female and Ethnically Diverse CEOs Discriminated Against or do They Benefit from Their Minority Status? An Empirical Examination. Strategic Management Journal, 36(8).

Upadhyay, A., Bhargava, R., & Faircloth, S. (2014). Board Structure and Role of Monitoring Committees. Journal of Business Research, 67(7).

Upadhyay, A., Choi, J. J., & Mao, C. (2013). Corporate Risk Management under Information Asymmetry. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 40.


Reyes Pena, R., Upadhyay, A. D., & Kumaraswamy, A.


Foreign Competitive Pressure and Inversions by US Multinational Enterprises. 

Journal of International Business Studies







Upadhyay, A. D., Amin, A., & Jain, P.


CDS, CEO Compensation, and Firm Value. 

Financial Research Letters


