Eunsil Lee

Eunsil Lee

Postdoctoral Associate

STEM Transformation Institute; SUCCEED, College of Engineering & Computing


Eunsil Lee is a postdoctoral associate in SUCCEED and the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University. At FIU, Eunsil is working with Dr. Bruk Berhane for the BEST and E4USA projects, which aim to broadening participation in engineering. Eunsil recently completed her PhD in Engineering Education from Arizona State University in July 2020. Eunsil’s research interest centers on diversity and inclusion in engineering focusing on students’ sense of belonging, which is an indicator of inclusion. Her dissertation investigated belonging in the context of engineering doctoral education while taking into account of diversity in students’ citizenship (domestic and international students) and its impact on their interpersonal interactions within the academic unit.

Prior to FIU, Eunsil worked as a research associate at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology, Carbon Composite Materials Research Center, after receiving a BS and MS in Clothing and Textiles from Yonsei University (South Korea) with the concentration area of Nanomaterials and Biomaterials in Textiles. She began her PhD study in Textile Engineering but shifted her path toward Engineering Education a year later. As a graduate research assistant at ASU, Eunsil has worked on research projects investigating student persistence, mentorship, humanitarian engineering, and assessment, which broadened her research horizon and the range of research skills that she can implement. She has also taught a sophomore engineering design course (EGR 201 Use-Inspired Design Project I) at ASU.